

on monday, september 22nd i awoke disoriented and in need of more sleep. but i got up. not wasting any time, i jumped in the shower, and then did my hair. within two hours, i had my three suitcases downstairs, my life packed inside of them. my flight didn't take off until 12:20 in the afternoon, so i had time to spare in a sense. i got got breakfast at cameo cafe with amy, gabriel, tiina, and sarah. breakfast was great. tiina and i shared eggs benedict as well as half of a blueberry pancake. stepheh, who was in LA working on a job called me to say goodbye, and i could barely contain my tears. every once i a while they would get away from me. then i had to say goodbye to gabriel, again, there was tears. the sisters were sweet and paid for my breakfast. then we gathered outside, and there i said goodbye to tiina and sarah. amy and i got in her car and headed towards the airport. we still had time, so i was able to go to the post office to send a package to mary in hunary. three bags of mango licorice and a pair of peacock earrings, and 17 dollars later, i was headed down airport way. amy dropped me off at the curb, so i could help bring in the four bags, plus two roller carry-ons. as soon as i got inside, i saw sarah. and she stood by as i checked in. one of my bags was designated as the overweight bag, and at 89 pounds in certainly was. only one other bag was overweight, so considering that i was moving myself to argentina, i don't think i did that bad. as soon as i wheeled my bags over to the x-ray machines, my dad turned to me to say goodbye. he had to drive to spokane that day, and had to get on the road as soon as possible. with even more tears, and a series of hugs, i said goodbye. wrenching is one word to describe it. then again," excruciating" might be a better word. once again, i was able to collect myself. and we headed to the food court area. all that was left was my mom, amy, sarah, and of course, me. my mom decided she was going to start the security process since we didn't have that much time to spare. the girls went with me as i went to do my last deposit at us bank. thankfully, i remembered to ask them about a random overdraft charge on my account that didn't make any sense. she forgave it without a problem. at that point, i would like to point out, i payed off my entire credit line. after two and a half years of being in debt, i was done. granted i didn't have much to my name, and still don't, but its still so liberating. a while ago, i said that i would pay off my credit line before i pursued any adventure in my life. i always somehow knew that i would be going off somewhere, and i couldn't do that with debt. anyways. i decided to enter through the security at the D,E side, just because i was closer to that, and i thought the line might be shorter. so i got in line, and had my back turned to it because i was talking to sarah and amy. i turned around to move ahead, and some random guy was cutting his way in. not to be cheated of one place in line, i said, "hi, umm, i was here first." he answered quickly, and i might add, quite defensively, "no i was, i was right there (pointing to a DIFFERENT line). "okayyyyyyy," i said while rolling my eyes. instead of duking it out with the guy, i turned around, and we headed to the other security side at A,B,C.. travelers annoy me, and since i know that i try to avoid them as much as possible. airports have become very volatile in that sense. i got in line separated from sarah and amy by a divider. so far i had made it through with no tears. i even made it through the security part, and had gathered all of my five carry ons and took one more look back, they were still there, and i lost it. my plane was boarding, so i had to move quick. i would be able to get a hold of myself, then i would lose my concentration and think of them or my family, and i would lose it again. i didn't even bother to wipe the tears, that would have been an endless task. while boarding, i took out my phone, and called my dad. that was both a good, and a bad decision. it was good to be able to talk to him, but i was stifling sobs on the phnoe with him, and after saying goodbye, i didn't care how awkward i would make the people around me feel. i think since i was crying, the flight attendants didn't say anything about my excessive carry ons which consisted of a stuffed and extremely roller, my laptop, my super heavy purse, and my huge pillow, plus my coat. i don't even know how i carried it all. thankfully, i had a seat next to my mom on the plane. she held me and let me invade her personal bubble. i was about to collapse in exhaustion brought on by two hours of sleep and extreme emotional fatigue. i tried to fall asleep before the plane took off, but unfortunately i didn't. therefore, when i felt the plane leave the ground, i lost it again. somehow i was able to keep quiet, but it took all my strength. my mom held me tight, and i finally fell into a very uncomfortable, and probably not very restful, sleep. i only ended up sleeping two hours. from that point on, i was too tired to cry, so the rest of the trip i held my own. we got off the plane in dallas, and jeremy was waiting for us. it was so nice to not have to say goodbye too anyone else from that point on. we lunched (dinner?) at TGI Fridays. it wasn't half bad, but we most likely thought better of it since we had such low expectations... we boarded our flight within a half hour after finishing. jeremy and i sat next to each other, and i got the window seat. the food was terrible, which is saying a lot since usually i don't think it's half bad. i kept myself occupied by watching a movie and by interrupting jeremy with questions whenever he went to read his book. it was a ten hour flight of pure discomfort, yet somehow i still managed to get some sleep. it was a miracle to say the least.

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