
i am losing my identity

ok, maybe i am exaggerating... but only a little bit. 

all of my life, i have had (notice past tense) a somewhat unique name. at times it proceeds even my reputation. i can't remember not liking my name, but my mom claims that i went through "my phase" where i thought it would be a great idea to change my name. but i don't remember it, and that means it never happened, right? right. 

fast forward to argentina. 

first of all, no one can say my name right here (rare exceptions include matias). the common pronunciation sounds something like "furline." it's close enough that i actually answer it when i hear it, but it's just not the same. 

ever since i went to guatemala in 1997 at ten years old (my first realistic/memorable trip oversees), i have used the name "linda luz." the exact and most literal translation of my name that can possible exist. when i finally learned spanish, i realized that my name in spanish is wayyyyy weirder than my name in english. 

and then came the new names...

when i did ywam four years ago, no one could understand that the "fair" in my name didn't mean "pretty/beautiful" rather they were sure it meant "just" as in "that's not fair." there began the birth of "luz justo." 

then people started to call me "linda" which means pretty, but that was awkward for me

i tried "fer" like fernanda, but for some reason that never stuck

i decided i liked "luz" which means light, but i am having a hard time with that one, too. 

now i am in resistencia, argentina. when matias introduces me to whomever, he prefaces it with, "if you can't pronounce it, that's ok." i don't mind for now, but i dont think i am ok with that for the rest of forever.

with a name like mine, i forget at times that i have a middle name. it seems like "fair" is my first name and "light" is my middle name.  believe it or not, but my parents blessed me with yet another name... belinda. my name is fairlight belinda fitzgerald the last. haha. 

it hadn't even occurred to me go by "belinda" a perfectly latin based name. hindsight is 20/20. as the saying goes.

i have tried it out with my tennis world... so far so good. i can say it without my speech impediment and they can pronounce it and it doesn't come with a preface... 

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

I remember when you got your name and how unique it was when I first heard it. Your nick name, for all of a couple months after you were born, was Farah. No kidding. But I really like they way in which you were named and the events leading up to you being born. Besdides Mom liking the name from that book "Christy," the name was a tribute to someone else. As you have probably noticed, your are the only sibling without a Bible name. But there is no question as to Who is the Fairest of Lights, of whom you are named after. And that is why your name is so unique, and why there is such a unique touch of God on your life, and why YOU are so unique. You have the stamp of being so unique, that one cannot be around you and wonder what you are all about. What a unique oportunity you have to tell other about Jesus, the Fairest of Lights. It's not like I can go up to someone and say "My name Mighty Man of God..." and tell them some cool story about what went into my name. You have the awesome story of God protecting you and Mom while she was at risk of a premature delivery and possibly losing you. Who else can say their brother's class prayed almost every day for three months that you would be born without further incident. Your name is a testament of God's faithfulness and so is your life. The mark of God cannot be more evident upon you. You are even name after Him. And even as your middle name goes, Belinda = Be Linda = Be Beautiful; almost like Linda Luz...See you next week!