
i want to be a part of BA, buenos aires, big apple

i am currently launching into my rendition of the evita song all about buenos aires. 

one saturday evening, i set off on a mini adventure with matias, his cousing esteban, and esteban's cousin lucas. the boys were off to BsAs to make their 10am interview on monday morning at the US embassy to see about some visas. i tagged along, because i wanted to go visit my old friends from ywam. 

we set off on saturday evening on the sun cristobal bus.  when i am travel with my parents we travel on the really nice bus line with the leather seats that turn into complete cushy beds, we get champagne, and so on and so forth. all of those things are especially nice after dealing with coach on american airlines. however, when i am here on my own, with my own money, dealing with my own budget, i take whichever bus is the cheapest. san cristobal it was. the seats are closer and they don't go back all the way... needless to say i didn't get much sleep. the food was better than the good buses though. we were fed the ubiquitous milanesa... and we even got champagne... not bad for 30 bucks... 

we got in to buenos aires early, like 6:30 am early. i was dying. it was also SUPREMELY cold. we had to wait over a half hour because of the lack of taxis. we stood in the cold suffering, but my suffering was slightly less because i got matias to put his arms around me and i had a blanket wrapped around me as well. two hours later, after a bit of drama we finally made it into their friend's house and unloaded our things. 

for some reason the boys felt like walking, so we walked. we didn't walk TO anywhere, we just walked. that could be exciting i suppose, but it was 10am on a Sunday morning, needless to say the city has barely woken up at that point. we stopped for breakfast, but i could barely keep my eyes open. the boys had never ending energy, i still don't know how they did it, maybe i should start drinking coffee. 

sunday was spent sleep walking. ok, not really. after breakfast, i managed to get an hour of a deep sleep while the boys caught up with their friend. then we went to the mall. it was strange to be in a mall to be completely honest. i was overwhelmed with the excess, and if i did managed to get drawn into a store, i only managed to stay for a couple of minutes. we had lunch at an amazing pizza place. and then scouted suit places.

matias and his cousin/best friend, esteban, were on the hunt for new suits for their coming graduation ceremony at the end of the month. we stopped at every store window that held a suit or something close to it. matias managed to try on a couple that were absolutely smashing. unfortunately christian lacroix, hugo boss, and all the others were slightly out of our budget. 

i tried to get in contact with my friends, but quickly came to the realization that all were no longer local to buenos aires or were otherwise occupied. matias helped me make the executive decision to not head out to the base, because i had no idea who was there or if i was going to be able to stay there (due to communication failure). i finding a pretty sweet hostel called "la rosada de belgrano." the location was more than convenient as it was just blocks from where the boys were staying. 

at the hostel, i asked for a shared room, but luckily the girl that i was supposed to share a room with had her stuff all over the place, so they put in me in my own for the same price ($12). i had a deck that overlooked the main avenue. after that day of walking i fell asleep fast.

monday i woke up, and headed out for a mission of my own. the boys were at the embassy. so i headed to find a store that carried past seasons of its incredible clothing. it was basically an outlet but better. you see, the clothes that come to this store don't come from the interns. they actually come from the people that design for the line. and the prices don't shock you (unlike the rest of the stores in argentina...  i ran out of time to go through everything, because the boys were waiting for me, and i had no nails left to chew out of nervousness. 

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