
tennis balls and thunderstorms

i finally returned to playing tennis. my first day back i found the schedule had changed, and i wasn't allowed to be in the guys' class anymore. since i got ehre an hour early, i did an hour of physical training with a few other girls. it was nothing compared to what i had to go through back when i was playing in the elite's class, but seeing as i am terribly out of shape, i felt the effects in no time. an hour and a half after i showed up for class,

i was finally hitting some balls. it was really humid outside, and you could see clouds not too far off. all of the sudden the wind started to pick up, which i welcomed with open arms because the humidity was melting me. that wind brought a surprisingly cool gust through the courts. matias was waving for me to come over, and everyone else was starting to scramble to get their things together. the trees were waving in the wind creating quite the ruckus and the wind had really picked up. i joined matias off the courts, and just as i got off the courts i turned to see the clay dust swirling in the wind. it was quite the sight. everything happened in about thirty seconds, matias made me run to the car, because  he didn't want to be under the trees in the wind. he sped home, and we got all the cars pulled in, and closed the gate.


as soon as i stepped into the house, the rain began to fall. i went upstairs to shower and the noise was overwhelming. the rain poured down in sheets. it was so hard and so fast, it's what i would relate to a monsoon. it last longer than i expected, and an hour later when matias and i went to find some food to eat, some of the streets were flooded. it came so fast and suddenly. after i went to bed, it continued. i opened the blinds in my room, so that the i could see the lightning from my bed. the street lamps kept flickering on and off. 

i loved it. the rain brings such a relief from the heat, and i feel like the air is scrubbed clean. i had a little smile on face during the entire experience

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