
the day after... give or take a couple of hours...

yesterday was my birthday... i am 22 years old, and in the 23rd year of my life. definitely mixed feelings about it. i am glad i am not 21, because it seems like a juvenile age, but at the same time i waited sooo long for it. it should have lasted longer. i can honestly say it was a good year. september-december were some of the darkest months of my life due to conflict with my family that i brought upon myself. but family wouldn't be family if they weren't there for the good and bad. january-april i worked incessantly, and worked my life out, and got things back together again. april was argentina. there i rediscovered my passion for the country that had so long called my name. i knew i couldn't deny it any longer, and so the groundwork started to be laid for me to make the move and pursue my dreams there. the year turned into summer with some shocking downs, but mostly ups. to me it could have gone much faster, but i wouldn't have traded my trip to Cali to visit ryan, jeremy's graduation in north carolina, swimming with my friends,taking walks with mary and sarah, or having a spur of the moment bbq on the river with some of my favorite people. i was able to live with two dear friends, and create memories that will be with me a long time. august came and went in a blur... family was my focus more than anything else. now september is here. my countdown end is near. on september 22nd, i fly to argentina, and take risk. i am jumping in headfirst, and i can't see the bottom. my emotions are all over the place. a memory can make me cry, and then the next moment i have butterflies in my stomach. it's surreal. but i am ready for the next chapter.

here's to being 22

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