
nothing like some home cookin

last night, mirian informed me i would be making lunch. 

i got up today, and found an entire chicken defrosting... apparently lunch was to be a chicken dish. with an hour and a half until lunch, i set to conquer the chicken. being that i hate skin, i had to figure out how to get it all off. i will leave out the gory details, but even i got a little grossed out a times, so you know it was bad. i realize that there are ways to "carve" meat, and i don't know any. in the end, i got the legs, the breasts, and wings off. i am pretty sure there more meat to be had... but i was through with it. i chopped up some potatoes, dashed on some salt and pepper along with some rosemary, and i was sweat.

after i had put it in the oven, i was able to talk to my mom via skype. she said she never cooked chicken without the skin, because it ads flavor. oh well, you live and learn.

somehow it turned out just fine. i thought it was good, matias thought it was too spicy (the pepper), but success is measured by how much is left over, and if it was ready on time (to me). 
being that the plates were cleaned, i was happy. 


later on, i went and joined the athletic club. for 30 bucks a month, i get two tennis lessons a week, plus free court time along with the usual pool and gym amenities. plus the personal trainers are free, supposedly. tomorrow will be the first i will have played tennis in a solid year.

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