
weekend in review.

on saturday night, mirian and mom got it into their heads to make tiramisu. that is NOT  a bad thing. after spending a good portion of the day looking in every store for marscapone cheese, we found something "good enough." the following day, we tested mom's creation... and it was incredible. she even shaved chocolate on top of it. everyone, including the italian neighbor in the back raved about it. i am pretty sure matias ate MORE than 1/3 of it in one sitting just yesterday.

so sunday, i woke up after sleeping in...every day i sleep in... and i am not complaining ;)

i made brownies and coleslaw, apparently they are both a hit. not that i mind. but the brownies are only going to last so long due to supplies running short.

in good argentine fashion we had a healthy spread of all things meat. chicken, beef, and chorizo all slow-cooked over coals. however, in anticipation of all the dessert, i held off... there is plenty of meat to be had in argentina, but not tiramisu or white chocolate drizzled ghiredelli brownies...

after the sunday nap, and my weekly shower (kidding), it was off to the bus terminal to say adieu to my mother. she came for the hand off and trip into the interior. with her job well done, she was off to travel home. 

to say the tears flowed is putting it lightly. i was a mess, from the hug goodbye, in the car, at church, back at home, back in my now empty room... even into the next morning. it was rough. but i have a good support base here...

and also the knowledge and proof that my mom knows how to work skype

1 comment:

Sarita said...

how can i send you brownie supplies for less than 30 bucks??? im sorry about the tears. my mom left too so we can console each other via our blogs. k? love!