
baccone dolce

in my recipe searching, i happened upon the papa hayden's baccone dolce recipe. JOY! it took me a few days... ok, like a week, to make, but it was soooo worth it. 

i made the first huge meringue layer friday, the second on saturday night, then put it together like five days later.

if you don't know the dessert you are truly missing out on delicious goodness. it consists of yummy crispy meringue combined with layers of homemade whipped cream. through in some chocolate drizzles, strawberries (or whatever fruit the piques your interest), dulce de leche (fairlight's belief is that all desserts taste better with this...), and badda bing, badda BANG. melting, sweet deliciousness. 

anyways, so i made it on tuesday... and the entire dessert was gone by late wednesday night. i was shocked. not even the tiramisu goes that fast. 

maybe i should have another go at it, and put little transmitters in each slice. 

i bet matias wakes up in the middle of the night, and raids the fridge...

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